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is a collection of poems divided into three parts, the first follows the parabolic adventures of the "horizonal king", the second presents poems with varied themes, and the lastsome texts in the form of songs.

Le Roi Horizonal

15 cm x 15 cm

Three poems by René Char : 
- Evadné
- Post-scriptum
- Allégeance

Three sonnets by Louise Labé :

- Sonnet 13, Oh si j'étais...

- Sonnet 9, Tout aussitôt...

- Sonnet 18, Baise m'encor...

Three poems :

- Arthur Rimbaud, Sensation

- Sohrab Sepehri, Lorsque cessa la pluie

- Joël Bastard, Le Bouc Abasourdi

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