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LIBERTALIA was born from the desire shared by Nicolas Krüger and Loan Cazal, solo violist, to found a new string ensemble in Hauts-de-France, characterized by the mix of accomplished musicians and young talents from higher education schools.

A variable geometry ensemble dedicated to the rich repertoire of the string orchestra since its origins, Libertalia draws on this generic and chameleon instrumentarium to explore with acuity and curiosity five centuries of music, from the first baroques to current music, arouses transcriptions and creations - with particular emphasis on the viola soloist - and offers concerts in inventive and stimulating forms.

It is therefore an ensemble for which the notion of transmission is central, whether towards young musicians who find there a final step towards professionalization, or towards the audiences with whom the ensemble shares programs in new formats, in fun and cheerful presentations.


19 octobre 2024 - 18h

Concert à quatre mains Mara Dobresco et Nicolas Kruger, Auditorium du Conservatoire de Lille

07 décembre 2024 - 20h

Concert "La Suite dans les Idées !"

Dans le cadre de "Noël en musique" 

​Salle des Fêtes de Lille-Fives

08 décembre 2024 - 16h

Concert "La Suite dans les Idées !"

Festival de Gosnay 

Église Saint-Léger​

Dossier de présentation 

29 août - 31 août 2025

Nicolas Krüger and Loan Cazal, artistic and musical directors of Libertalia, a strings ensemble with a professional training vocation in Hauts-de-France, are giving birth to a festival in the Lille metropolis, which aims to link music and heritage, by at the same time as welcoming an audience to unexpected, prestigious or undiscovered places.

The weekend preceding the Great Sale seems to be the most auspicious, while we are busy preparing for the start of the school year while still seeking to enjoy beautiful summer evenings in our North where temperatures are increasingly welcoming.

The festival offers 3 evenings of concerts and festivities, to which are added small satellite events throughout the long weekend from Friday evening to Sunday, distributed over several villas, private hotels, or remarkable residences in the metropolis.

In the spirit of Heritage Days, the festival opens these places to the most varied audiences for a concert and a shared drink in a privileged setting. The musicians strive to highlight the places, they open up to a great eclecticism in the styles of music presented to seduce and entertain, with the basis of the string orchestra which allows everything, from early music to modern song.


The festival also partners with prestigious catering companies in the North, to highlight local know-how and make these moments of musical, architectural, cultural and taste discovery unforgettable, with the ideal of access to the elite for all.

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